GLYSANTIN® G05® Concentrate

Product Details

GLYSANTIN® G05® is a premium-grade coolant that contains silicates. This product is a hybrid coolant. It contains a mixture of inorganic and organic corrosion inhibitors to protect the cooling system. Due to its nitrite content this product is especially recommended for use in heavy-duty engines. 

  • Concentrate
  • Cars

Technical Details

  • Hybrid technology with nitrite
  • Especially suitable to protect heavy duty applications
  • Colored yellow

Additional Features

  • Suitable for Electric Vehicles
  • Product is especially suitable for cast iron engines of classic cars from the 50‘s to the 80‘s.

Available in

20L Can

60L Drum

210L Drum

Glysantin G05® Approvals

G05® Approvals


Brand Model Year Approval code Approved or Recommended
Ford (North America) all models   WSS-M97B51-A1 APPROVED
Chrysler all models   up to  01/2010 MS-9769 APPROVED
Dodge all models   up to 01/2010 MS-9769 APPROVED
Jeep all models  up to 01/2010 MS-9769 APPROVED

Other Applications


GLYSANTIN® ELECTRIFIED® product family flyer


GLYSANTIN® Cool Cooler Cooolant