Partnerships & Community

Our product portfolio touches across various industries and sectors. For each business challenge, we have a corresponding branding solution. These solutions include GLYSANTIN® Distribution and Co-brand-, Re-brand- as well as Brand License Partnerships.

GLYSANTIN® Branding Business Models

Pure Product Selling

Customer buys bulk material and sells in his own packaging under their own name. 

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Re-brand Partner

The customer purchases bulk materials and repackages them under their own brand name. In this process, there is no apparent connection to GLYSANTIN®, G-numbers, or BASF. The customer can leverage most of the existing approvals but is required to undergo the OEMs' Re-Brand approval process.

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Co-brand Partner

Customer buys bulk material and sells in their own packaging under their own brand name and branding in combination with a clearly visible reference to the GLYSANTIN® brand. 

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Brand Licence Partner

Customer buys bulk material and sells it as distributor as GLYSANTIN® Original Package (GOP) goods. 

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Authorized Distribution Partner

Customer buys packed material and sells it as authorized distribution partner as GLYSANTIN® Original Packed (GOP) goods.

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